
For the attainment and furtherance of these vision the association may:-
Hold periodical meetings and conferences of its members and those who practice pathology, microbiology and allied science Publish and circulate its official publications in the form of journals, news letters and posts on the website, of a character specially adapted to the needs of its members and the subjects they practice.
Maintain a library and association office.
Publish from time to time, transaction and other papers embodying the meetings conducted by the members or under the auspices of the association
Encourage research in pathology, microbiology and allied sciences by the establishment of scholarships, prizes and awards and in such other manner as may from time to time be determined by the association.
Consider, express and propagate its views on all questions and the laws existing or proposed in India regarding the teaching and practice of the professions of pathology, microbiology and allied sciences and initiate and watch over or take such steps and adopt such measures from time to time regarding these as may be deemed expedient or necessary.
Erect, purchase, take lease or otherwise acquire, hold, manage, let, sell, exchange, mortgage, or otherwise dispose of movable or immovable property of every description and all rights or privileges necessary or convenient for the purpose of the association and in particular any land, building, furniture, household, or other effects, utensils, books, newspaper, periodicals, instruments, fittings, appliances, apparatus, conveyance and accommodation, and when deemed necessary or desirable in the interest of the association, sell, demise, let, hire out, mortgage transfer or otherwise dispose of the same.
Borrow or raise money in such manner as the association may think fit and collect subscription and donations for the purpose of the association
Invest any money of the association not immediately required for any of its purposes or for any of its objects in such manner as may from time to time be determined by the association
Assist, subscribe to, or cooperate or affiliate of be affiliated to or amalgamate with any other public body whether incorporated, registered or not, and having altogether or in part objects similar to those of the association
Create or assist in creating branches (zonal) for any of the purpose aforesaid Do all such other things, as a cognate to the objects of the association of the incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects